“We are Alive Because of Women, Show them Love” -Lecky

Women are the life source of the earth from whom we all came and we must as a matter of responsibility treat them with love and respect if we are to live fulfilled lives.

Hon. Hussein Lecky, Member Representing the good people of Etsako West Constituency 1 at the Edo State House of Assembly made this statement while speaking to The Community’s Eye in the aftermath of a charitable exercise held by Hassan & Hussein Lecky Foundation last weekend in Auchi.

The HHL Foundation held a Free Medical and Maternity Outreach to cater for the needs of no fewer than 70 nursing and expectant mothers drawn from the wards of Etsako West Constituency 1 in Edo state.

Speaking to the inspiration behind the exercise, Hon. Hussein stated that without women, live and living would be none existent.


“You know without women we won’t be here. You must always create time and show support, give back to them (women).

” I decided to hold this free maternity outreach for nursing mothers and pregnant women just to boost their moral and sensitize them on how they can nurse properly, how they can feed themselves when pregnant so that even without much money the baby would get the required nutrition.

“Just being a person that came out of a woman, you must always have sympathy and must always want to give back to women.” He said.

He encouraged nuring and expectant mothers to eat well, exercise properly and drink lots of fluids as in doing these would they be healthy enough to carry out their motherly responsibilities with a sane mind and body.

Hussein appealed that women desist from embarking on stressful and strainous activities while pregnant and encouraged men and husbands to give all the requisite support, love and care during the period and beyond with a view to building healthy relationships and strong homes.


The APC chieftain encouraged other well meaning sons and daughters of Auchi, Etsako, Edo state to establish avenues that would help to positively reach women and girls in the state.


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✒ Jeremiah Kadiri | AUCHI BLOG & SERVICES | absnews.net.ng | auchiblog@gmail.com | 25/04/024

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