SABMS Holds 1st Annual National Conference in Auchi Polytechnic

With the unbundling of the School of Business Studies and the emergence of the new School of Administration, Business and Management Studies (SABMS), staff, students and publics of Auchi Polytechnic have been hosted to a conference at the new SSANIP Arena in Area 2, Auchi Polytechnic on Tuesday, 7th of May.


Theme of the maiden conference, “Technical Education, Skill Acquisition and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century” was put together by management of the new School with a view to ensuring that students and staff get to appreciate the need for the acquisition and development of skills in an ever evolving world.

The event had present principal officers, staff and students of the various departments of SABMS together with invited seasoned academics from reputable institutions across Nigeria.


Keynote of the conference was delivered by the former Deputy Vice Chancellor of Edo State University Uzairue , Professor Omodia Stephen Monday who encouraged all to be up to date with emerging trends as the world evolves -noting that those with competitive advantage in the modern world are those who acquire skills beyond their disciplines.


Dr. Oyakhirome Bamidele Agbadua, Rector of Nigerian Institute of Construction Technology, Uromi Edo State was also on ground together with a host of academic dignitaries.


On his part, Dr. I.Z. Abiri, Dean School of Administration, Business and Management Studies in his inaugural speech as the Pioneer dean of the school noted that the objective of the conference was to bring together scholars, practitioners and stakeholders to share knowledge, ideas and best practices in the fields of administration, business and management in particular and the world in general.


“We aim to explore innovative solutions to contemporary challenges, foster collaborations and inspire future generations of leaders and entrepreneurs.” he said.


He encouraged all to work assiduously towards ensuring that the objective of the conference is attained in line with the mission of the Polytechnic -to build hands and brains for development.


Speaking to The Community’s Eye a cross section of staff and students who attended the conference expressed elation -noting that the event was timely and has opened their eyes to new vistas and has kindled the need in them to acquire future proof skills that would keep them relevant in the scheme of things.


They appreciated management of Auchi Polytechnic as headed by Dr. S.S. Umar for providing the enabling environment requisite for holding the conference and hailed management of the School of Administration, Business and Management Studies for the calibre of speakers who poured out from their cups of sweet knowledge.


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️ Jeremiah Kadiri | AUCHI BLOG & SERVICES | | | 08/05/024 | Auchi, Edo State | +2348069055018

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