Eid2024: Sons, Daughters of ASK Sue for Charity 

Prominent Sons and Daughters of Auchi Sacred Kingdom have sent home goodwill messages in view of the oncoming festival of rams come Sunday the 16th of June.


Speaking to The Community’s Eye, a cross section of respondents noted that though the condition of the country’s economy has not made it possible for people to amply prepare for the festivities that would ensue during Sallah, it is important for all to be grateful for life -noting that when there is life, there is hope.

Prince (Dr.) Nasiru Ikharo, Pioneer President of Auchi Development Foundation _ADF noted that despite the dire circumstances being faced by many as a result of the harsh economic weather of the country, the well-to-do of society should take it up as a matter of responsibility to share from their abundance to the needy.


“It is another season of celebration for the Muslims community, a season of sacrifice and abundant blessings. As we celebrate and merry, let’s remember those in need each time and share from the gift of Allah for it is the hallmark of our shared humanity as Muslims. May Allah accept our sacrifice and may it elevate our ranks in Jannah. Eid Mubarak.” He said.

On her part, a former BBN housemate, Munirat Anto Lecky all the way from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia corroborated Prince Nasiru’s appeal for charity -noting that no one should be left out in the enjoyment that characterizes the season.


“Happy Eid al-Adha! May the Almighty Allah forgive our sins and answer all our prayers. May he make us amongst those that enter Jannatul Firdaus. Let’s enjoy Sallah, but while enjoying, remember the less fortunate. Let’s always be kind to our fellow man and help those that we can. Remember to keep Nigeria in mind during your prayers.” She said.


Additionally, Hon. Hussein Lecky , member representing Etsako West Constituency 1 at the Edo State House of Assembly enjoined all to be grateful for the gift of life to witness the feast and sued for peace in an atmosphere of charity.

“I extend my warmest greetings and best wishes to you and your family on this special day of Eid. I hope you experience happiness, contentment, and prosperity.

“Eid is a season for celebration and giving thanks. It is an opportunity to celebrate giving, spend time with loved ones, and reflect on all the blessings in our lives. It is a chance to be loving and kind to our communities and those who are less fortunate.

“May the happiness of Eid fill your soul with Allah’s love and mercy, your heart with peace, and your home with plenty of happiness. May God accept your offerings and grant you the answers to your prayers.

“As we gather to commemorate this happy occasion, let us remember that the true purpose of Eid is to encourage giving, peace, and kindness. Let us honour the values that bind us together and the faith that keeps us strong.” He said.


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️ Jeremiah Kadiri | AUCHI BLOG & SERVICES | absnews.net.ng | auchiblog@gmail.com | 15/06/0234 | Auchi, Edo State | +2348069055018

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