Edo2024: “If Charity Begins At Home Let Us Support Our Own” — Yusuf Asamah Kadiri San, LP DG

The Deputy Governorship Candidate of the Labour Party in the forthcoming Edo Guba Polls slated for September 2024 has officially informed the people of Auchi Sacred Kingdom about his intent to fly the political flag with his Running Mate to the Apex stool of power.


He noted that Auchi, the Political Headquarters of Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State is a powerful community in Edo North -which is only 2nd to Edo South in terms of numerical strength.


Speaking to what makes Edo North Thick, he noted that the Etsako West Political Block has the most political currency in numbers thanks to Auchi, a political juggernaut in every electioneering season.


“In 2007, the highest votes scored by Oshiomole came from Auchi.” He said while also noting that same Senator Adams Oshiomole who served his term as Governor thanks to the support he got from Auchi also scored 100/100 in Auchi during the just held 2023 general elections -and thanks to the political strength in numbers Auchi has, Oshiomole currently stands a Senator representing Edo North Federal Constituency.


The Senior Advocate of Nigeria however noted that he has not come to discuss partisan politics but to remind his people that the time has come for them to use this political strength they have to deliver their own son with a view to ensuring victory for him and his cohorts -a development which will bring home to Auchi the dividends of democracy.


Asamah Yusuf Kadiri appealed that all Auchi Sons and Daughters, the people of Etsako West and ofcourse all from Afenmai Land should seize the opportunity provided by the Labour Party (to have chosen their son) to ensure that beyond Edo2024 he would be able as a DG help to engender and continue developmental projects in Auchi, Etsako, Afenmai and Edo state in general.


While noting that he has personally influenced projects down home, he promised to use state power and resources to do more for the people of Edo State -stating that good governance is about improving the standard of the people amongst other positives and that good governance is what the administration of an Olumide Akpata – Asamah Yusuf Kadiri government would provide.


“Since 1999 Auchi has not had A Senator, A Rep Member, a Deputy Governor, a Governor.

“The Labour Party has graciously chosen our own as a running mate for their Governorship Candidate.

“This is an opportunity to have our own in government, let us seize it!”


️ Jeremiah Kadiri | AUCHI BLOG & SERVICES | absnews.net.ng | auchiblog@gmail.com | 17/06/024 | Auchi, Edo State | +2348069055018

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