Breaking: Auchi-born Dr. Umar Becomes Secretary of Organization of Islamic Cooperation Arbitration Centre

The OIC-AC has appointed Dr. Umar. A. Oseni as its Secretary-General.

According to a statement from the official website of the worldwide body of Islamic Affairs, the son of Prof. Zakariya Idris Oboh Oseni who doubles as the Mufti of Auchi Sacred Kingdom comes on board as the Secretary General of OIC-AC as a very experienced and competent individual whom the cap fits.

“Dr. Oseni, who has warmly been welcomed, brings a wealth of experience in legal and compliance, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), Islamic finance, and strategic leadership to the OIC-AC.” the statement reads.

The humble son of Afeadokhai who hails from Utsogun Heritage Zone of Auchi has since accepted his appointment with great zest with a view to ensuring that the mandate given his is aptly carried out with all sense of responsibility.

Dr. Umar stated, on his appointment: “I am deeply honoured to take on the role of Secretary-General of the OIC-AC.

“This position presents an exciting opportunity to further contribute to the development of ADR and to serve the 57 Member States of the OIC as well as the global business community.

“I look forward to working with colleagues at the Secretariat and the Distinguished Board Members to advance our policy mandate and impact, and make the OIC-AC the premier organ for the settlement of commercial and investment disputes within the OIC and beyond”. He said

This is coming in the aftermath of an earlier feat -his appointment into the Financial Regulation Advisory Council of the Central Bank of Nigeria on the 2nd of April, 2024.

️ Jeremiah Kadiri | AUCHI BLOG & SERVICES | | | 24/04/024 | Auchi, Edo State | +2348069055018

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