Ecological Concerns: As we Erode Auchi 01

I have been environmentally aware way before 2019 but for the past five years, I have been very active and there has never been a time I did not monitor the ramifications of erosion in our community, report the trends around same and call on all relevant authorities at the traditional, local, state and national levels with a view to ensuring that help comes in good time.

Igbei road is quite a fresh memory in view of the fact that for years, businesses gradually left our market -amplifying the already existing hydra-headed problems of unemployment, restiveness, hunger, poverty, etcetera.


The road was so deeply cut and eroded by the meandering menace called runoff that it was almost impossible to walk through same on foot.

This brought about a lot of inconveniences to riders and drivers who now took to using the Cemetery road as a detour only for louts, vigilante and police officers to in collaboration act the extortion scene daily (early mornings and late evenings).


Away from that, the constant use of the cemetery road by light and heavy traffic quickly worsened it’s condition as young chaps who would have been gainfully engaged took to the area with spades to in the guise of offering community service wear off parts of the road.

It became a matter helping to aid the corrosive tendencies of runoff and the rest as we have it today is what it is.

To cut the seeming epistle short, NEWMAP came in and with the help of the Governor Godwin Obaseki led administration of Edo state Auchi got a breather.

The Igbei stormwater project was born -creating two ponds (one at Akharuma, the other at Aibotse -Public Field), drains, tunnels and the asphalting of the main Igbei road for easy flow of traffic.

These laudable projects are now being abused by the supposed beneficiaries and we are gradually heading back to the days of woe.


It’s #ask2024rains and about 4 instances of precipitations have so far been recorded.


Pen up, down.


See more pictures  on Facebook and do well to follow for more updates.


️ Jeremiah Kadiri | AUCHI BLOG & SERVICES | | | 17/03/024 | Auchi, Edo State | +2348069055018

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