Ecological Concerns: Youth Chair Tasks Auchi Residents to be Conscious of the Environment

Comr. Oseni Osigbemhe Alid, Chairman Auchi Dynamic Youths Association, Iyekhei Zone has enjoined property owners, residents in Auchi Sacred Kingdom to be Environmentally Friendly in their practices as whatever they do has either positive or negative effects on the wellbeing of the community.

He made this known during the weekend in the aftermath of a community service his team carried out along Ekhei Girls Grammar School Road, Iyekhei.


Popularly known as ChiefO, the youth chairman together with his team helped to rejuvenate a dilapidated drain beside Okw’Etsagbe (Okotō Ogho) by filling up the eroded part of the concrete bed -reenforcing the drain with a view to ensuring that same can hold the amount of runoff that comes from the adjourning houses in the area.

“The community people should understand that there are consequences of Disposing sewage into drains and this can lead to blockages, overflow, and contamination of water sources. “It can also endanger public health by spreading diseases.” He said.


Speaking to the indiscriminate building of houses in Auchi without drains, he noted that such practice is inimical to development as failure to properly channel runoff could lead to eroding of the soil -leading to the gullies that are already troubling the community.

“It is essential for builders to install a proper sewage system that includes septic tanks or other appropriate mechanisms to collect and treat sewage. This helps to prevent it from getting directly into drains.” he concluded.


ChiefO appreciated his team, members of the Iyekhei wing of Auchi Dynamic Youths Association and challenged them to continue to give their best to ensure that the community is protected and its environment maintained.


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️ Jeremiah Kadiri | AUCHI BLOG & SERVICES | | | 28/04/024 | Auchi, Edo State | +2348069055018

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