Raising Future Tax Professionals: Taxation Students Peep into the Workings of Tax Officers

With a view to empowering students with the requisite skills for upping the game of taxation in the future of the nation, Authorities of the Taxation Department, School of Business Studies in Auchi Polytechnic have organized a one day excursion to the Federal Island Revenue Service (FIRS) on Wednesday were the benefiting students had the opportunity to gain ample insight into the workings of taxation.
The students who listened with rapt attention to the various resource persons who took turns to expose them to the various facets of Taxation and how same affects the development of Nigeria, expressed joy -noting that what they learnt on the field on Wednesday brought them the needed information that has helped them to better appreciate the discipline they have chosen to study.
They took turns to also get clarifications to certain grey areas by asking questions l -showing how well they have been following in tandem with the objectives of the Taxation Department under the leadership of Mrs. Waseela Momodu the H.O.D.
More so, useful tips and career path guidance were offered by the various speakers who exposed the students to valuable information that would help them climb the ladder of success in the future of taxation in Nigeria.
Speaking to ABS News Network the Head of Taxation Department said, “I wanted to give the students a firsthand look at the work that tax professionals do and show them the opportunities available in this field.
“I want to inspire the next generation of tax professionals and help them realize their potentials.
“By coming here today, the students are taking an important step towards their future careers”.
Hillary Sherifat, and ND 1 student and participant in the learning exercise said, “I had no idea what tax professionals actually do until today.
“It was amazing to see the inner workings of the FIRS office and learn about the different career paths available.
“I feel more confident about my future now, and I’m excited to pursue a career in taxation”.
Dr. Friday Ese Igbinosun, Aruna Abdulazeez and Oloyo Justina Ebiafue were also staff of the Taxation Department who doubled as participants -learning too from the experience which exposed them to the current reality of Taxation in the country.
It was a win-win exercise for staff and students of the visiting department as the students gained practical experience and the staff got new insights and literature necessary for future academic exercise back in the classroom.
See pictures @absnews.net.ng on facebook.
️ Jeremiah Kadiri | AUCHI BLOG & SERVICES | absnews.net.ng | auchiblog@gmail.com | 07/03/024 | Auchi, Edo State | 09139152463

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